Researching Your Kansas Ancestors

Kansas came into the nation in 1803, as part of the Louisiana Purchase.
It was an unorganized territory until 1854, organized as Kansas Territory until 1861, when it became a state.

Kansas counties didn't start keeping birth and death records until the mid 1880's and then only in some counties. Some cities have birth and death records, but only after 1910. State vital record keeping began in July 1911, when the state started recording births and deaths; in July 1913 marriage records were added.



Books, articles, CD's, Tapes etc.
On the Web.

Handybook for Genealogists (10th or 11th edition) and/or Ancestry's Redbook (you'll want the 3rd edition) section on Kansas includes maps, historical information, vital records coverage and a bibliography of resources,

Kansas Kansas Genealogical Society. The Treesearcher

* Kansas Gen Web
* ALHN Kansas page
* FHL Kansas Research Outline
* Kansas State Historical Society
* Kansas Genealogical Society
* Kansas Genealogy Society Directory
* Kansas Newspaper Project
* Kansas Vital Records (official)
* Vitalrec Kansas Page
More Links
* Genealogy Today's State Gen Site: Kansas
* Genealink's Kansas Page
* Access Genealogy's List of Kansas Links
* Cyndi's List Kansas Page