Genealogical Societies, Conferences and Seminars

If you live in or near Washtenaw County, you will want to join the Genealogical Society of Washtenaw County.

To find a local society in the area for which you are doing research, try the GenWeb site for that area; these sites usually list the local societies.

There is a list of societies kept at FGS Society Hall, on Ancestry.Com

To find Michigan societies, visit the Michigan Genealogical Council list of member societies.

To see if a Michigan society is holding an event of interest to you, check the MGC calendar.

National Genealogical Society & (NGS Conferences) - The NGS National Conference is always in the Spring, held in different cities. The 2009 NGS Conference in the States will be in Raleigh, North Carolina. .

Federation of Genealogical Societies -- If you are GSWC member, you are an FGS member. It is really a society of socities, not individuals. there is an annual FGS Conference and it is always good. The annual FGS conference is always in the fall, held in a different city each year.

BYU has an annual conference, always in Salt Lake City and always in the Summer.

Also every summer the National Insitute of Genealogical Research hosts a week long conference in Washington, DC. This is not an introductory course, rather a course for experienced genealogists. It stresses records at the National Archives.

The Samford Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research at Samford University sponsors an annual insitute in June and a trip to Great Britain in July.

The Utah Genealogical Society Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy holds a course each January, specializing in resources available at the Family History Library there.

New England Historic Genealogical Society --their annual conference is always in a New England State. .

Association of Professional Genealogists They don't have an annual conference that I know of, but they put out a magazine and have a fair amount of teaching material on their website.

Genealogical conference tapes from (for tapes from conferences)